Circular Economy and Sustainable Lifestyles Course

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Learn more on Circular Economy and Sustainable Lifestyles. An online course with the aim to disseminate and shape up knowledge and case studies of Sustainable Consumption and  production (SCP), highlighting sustainable lifestyles and circular economy, and to promote uptake and advocate SCP policies of Asian countries, is now available here.

Main objectives of this course are to shift mindsets of young professionals to mainstream CE and SCP into their policies, decisions and actions, as well as enhancing their understanding and knowledge of the issues at stake and expanding networks of practitioners in Asia.

Participants will benefit from the direct expertise of those who design policy for achieving resource efficiency and its subsequent development, climate and environmental conservation. Practical solutions are also showcased to enhance behaviour changes for a transition towards SCP, particularly during COVID-19.

The course includes knowledge and case studies on SCP including sustainable lifestyles (SL) and Circular Economy (CE),consolidated from the wide range of experts from Asia and Europe that have been involved in activities, workshops, policy dialogues and fora organised by the EU funded SWITCH-Asia RPAC. The course  is designed and implemented in partnership with the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).