International Conference: Unlocking Private Finance for Energy Efficiency and Greener, Low-Carbon Growth in the Eastern Partnership and Central Asia Countries

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29.06.2017 – 30.06.2017 | 0:00

The Conference will identify key challenges and ways forward to better align financial mechanisms with policy reforms to speed and scale up green investments in support of energy efficient and low-carbon growth, new business opportunities and green jobs in the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) and Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan).

The Conference will discuss:

  • lessons learned from mobilising capital markets to finance the transition to a green economy;
  • the role of public authorities in unlocking private finance for green investment;
  • making better use of international climate-related development finance;
  • new avenues, including the role of banking and monetary policy, the use of green bonds and mobilising institutional investors, such as pension funds and sovereign wealth funds. 

The Conference will bring together government officials from Ministries of Environment, Economy and Energy, representatives of IFIs and multilateral financing facilities active in the region, international organisations, donor countries and experts from commercial banks and other domestic financing institutions.

Read more here.